Welcome. Yale Library is committed to improving the accessibility of the library’s collections, public services, and online resources, while we serve as an important research and educational resource for our campus and local communities.
Accessibility | Library Assistive Services and Resources | Library Accessibility Initiatives and Staff Resources | Accessibility Resources at Yale
Library Assistive Services and Resources
To ensure equitable access to the library’s collections, public services, and web resources, we have developed services and resources that enable users with disabilities to fully benefit from our offerings. Through our services and policies, we strive to make visitors, patrons, and researchers with disabilities or other access challenges feel welcome in both our physical and digital spaces. To learn more, please visit our Library Assistive Services & Resources page.
Library Accessibility Initiatives and Staff Resources
Yale Library is involved in several efforts that advance our goals of providing greater access to our collections, offerings, and facilities. Visit our Library Accessibility Initiatives & Staff Resources page to learn more about our staff partnerships, resources, and tools.
Accessibility Resources at Yale
Library users and visitors are encouraged to learn about the many accessibility-related resources and efforts across our division and university that support people with disabilities. See Accessibility Resources at Yale.