Access to Carbon Disclosure Project Public Climate Change Data
Access to Carbon Disclosure Project Public Climate Change Data is restricted to current students, faculty and staff of Yale University for the purposes of research, education or other non-commercial use. Users must not disseminate any materials to any person or organization outside of Yale University. Users may not share, publish, broadcast, distribute, sell, lease, loan, transfer, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, create derivative works of or translate the e-data.
**Please note that by proceeding and using this Yale-provided resource, you acknowledge to abide by the following licensed terms:
- You may use the Data in its original form, or in modified or adapted form for academic research purposes only and to publish academic works provided that:
- CDP is cited as the source of the Data;
- Reproduction of any part of the Data by any third party is forbidden and the publication contains wording to that effect;
- Publication of a ‘limited amount’ of the Data does not undermine CDP’s ability to sell data to existing or potential customers, for example, the publication of multiple data points across a single sector or the publication of a small number of data points cross multiple sectors.
- You will not:
- re-sell the data in modified, adapted or original form;
- use it for commercial research or consultancy projects with commercial organizations;
- use it in a tradable index or investment product or in a subscription or fee-based database service;
- disclose the Data to any person outside Yale University.
- When possible, you will provide CDP with a link to the published academic research containing the Data.
Proceed to Carbon Disclosure Project Public Climate Change Data.