Data as Art

Wednesday, 9 a.m. – Wednesday, 5 p.m.

Event Info

Data as Art
Aug. 21, 2024Jan. 15, 2025
Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library
333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06510

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Bioinformatics Support Hub at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, “Data as Art” invites visitors to explore the aesthetic potential of scientific data, challenging the conventional perception of data as purely objective and highlighting its capacity to inspire artistic expression and creativity.

The data visualizations and representations on exhibit—by Yale students, researchers, clinicians, and staff—transcend their scientific origins, revealing the inherent beauty and interpretative depth within data. 

Curated by Terry Dagradi, Sofia Fertuzinhos Ph.D., Rolando Garcia Milian M.LIS, Melissa Grafe Ph.D, Dana Haugh M.LS, and Kaitlin Throgmorton M.LIS

Open To: 
Ages 21, Spouses and Partners, Yale Postdoctoral Trainees, undergraduate, Staff, Ages 18, Graduate and Professional, General Public, faculty, alumni, All Ages