Matching Metadata & Text Data for the Enriching Exhibition Scholarship Project

Tuesday, 11 a.m.–12 p.m.

Event Info

Matching Metadata & Text Data for the Enriching Exhibition Scholarship Project
May 16, 2023
Sterling Memorial Library
120 High Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Free but register in advance

Join us as the Enriching Exhibition Scholarship team share their ongoing work with linked exhibitions data and open the floor for feedback and discussion. The project team will provide an overview of the project, how they have been using the project data so far, and what they have learned in the process.

The Enriching Exhibition Scholarship Project involves partners from the Universities of Edinburgh, Yale, Oxford, and the Ashmolean Museum and is funded by the AHRC/NEH. The work in enriching linked data records with information from museum exhibitions, mapping connections between art and museum objects across the world, creating information that will make arts knowledge more accessible and shareable for artists, scholars, and the public. This project uses advanced computational techniques, such as text mining and machine learning, to capture all sorts of exhibition data and allow museums to make it easily accessible and shareable to scholars and the public.

Open To: 
undergraduate, faculty, alumni, Yale Postdoctoral Trainees, All Ages, General Public, Graduate and Professional, Spouses and Partners, Staff