Yale Library Book Talk: Air-Borne by Carl Zimmer
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Carl Zimmer, science columnist for the New York Times and adjunct professor of Molecular Biophysics, will present his new book, “Air-Borne: The Hidden History of the Life We Breathe.” He will be in conversation with Brandon Ogbunu, assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the Yale School of Medicine.
Zimmer leads us on an odyssey through the living atmosphere and the history of its discovery. We meet the long-forgotten pioneers of aerobiology including William and Mildred Wells, who tried for decades to warn the world about airborne infections. This book leaves readers looking at the world with new eyes–as a place where the oceans and forests loft trillions of cells into the air, where microbes eat clouds, and where life soars thousands of miles on the wind.