About Students

Showing 43 - 49 of 51
Tall male student stands under the archways of the Exhibition Corridor in Sterling Library. He has long black hair and holds the wrist of his right hand with his left. He is wearing black pants, and a black sweatshirt printed with a grey elephant and green vegetation. The collar of his brown shirt is visible at the neckline.
May 18, 2022
Yale College seniors Sam Battles, Sarah Gannett, and Madeleine Stern received the prize for outstanding senior essays based on research in Yale Library special collections.
Group photo of students in a courtyard with stone and brick building in the background
December 23, 2021
Established last year, Yale Library’s student advisory committee has provided input into library decision making throughout the pandemic and serves as a conduit for students to share their library-related questions and interests with staff.
Two female students draw on films strips on lightbox
October 13, 2021
Slideshow: Students in “Principles of Animation” visited the Film Archive in Sterling Library to view films in the new screening room and get a hands-on lesson in animation techniques.
Three students writing postcarsd at a table
August 31, 2021
What excites you about being on campus? Stop by the table in front of Sterling Memorial Library on Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2-4 pm, to write your answer on a postcard. Contribute to the University Archive and receive a Yale Library giveaway!
Two students writing postcards while kneeling at a desk in the Sterling nave
May 24, 2021
University Archivist Michael Lotstein has reached out to document students’ experiences, thoughts, and feelings during the pandemic using surveys, websites, postcards, podcasts, and more.
Three female Yale students smiling for a photo
May 24, 2021
In spite of ongoing pandemic-related challenges during the last year, the class of 2021 accomplished a wide range of original research projects using Yale University Library’s collections and resources. Six students wrote senior essays that were recognized with one of three annual library prizes.
students throwing mortar boards in air in front of library building
May 23, 2021
With most parents and friends tuning in remotely due to the pandemic, Yale celebrated its 320th Commencement. As always, many graduates marked the occasion with photos in front of Sterling Memorial Library.