
Showing 134 - 140 of 142
Three female Yale students smiling for a photo
May 24, 2021
In spite of ongoing pandemic-related challenges during the last year, the class of 2021 accomplished a wide range of original research projects using Yale University Library’s collections and resources. Six students wrote senior essays that were recognized with one of three annual library prizes.
April 29, 2021
Scholars collaborating across three continents are deciphering a rare eighteenth-century Japanese manuscript at Yale University Library to reveal a tragic—and likely true—love story between two male samurai warriors.
Several CD-ROMS
April 28, 2021
Yale University Library has launched a new online tool which enables users to access outdated CD-ROMs on current computer systems. Using the Yale Library Emulation Viewer, library users no longer need to check out a physical item and track down the required—and now obsolete—hardware to view it.
Photo of Yale student Sarah Adams pointing to a sign post on the Shinetsu Trail in Japan
April 6, 2021
Online exhibitions curated by Yale students in English, environmental science, and architecture feature a wide range of primary sources and other resources from Yale University Library.
Highly magnified colored cells
March 22, 2021
Yale University Library has received its first-ever gift to establish an endowed fund to support digital preservation. The $100,000 gift comes from an anonymous 2008 graduate of Yale College, now a historian of modern warfare.
Aerial view of the Medical Library rotunda showing display cases
March 16, 2021
The Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 Research Advancement in Health Sciences Librarianship Award from the Medical Library Association.
March 16, 2021
When the COVID-19 pandemic moved her introductory biology laboratory to Zoom, Yale faculty member Maria Moreno saw an opportunity. The result was a collaboration with librarians to develop an intensive six-week introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology.