
Showing 43 - 49 of 142
three men  resting against rocks in black and white photo. One at left looks at camera and wears dark cardigan; man at center looks down, and man at right wears cap and wide patterned tie with pen in his shirt pocket
February 7, 2024
Papers related to Langston and Steinberg were among 5,800 new images added to Yale Library’s searchable digital collection in December 2023.
Black and white photo of man in suit and tie with arm raised to greet the hundreds of people in crowd below
January 19, 2024
Events continue throughout January to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.
Man with glasses stands in front of wall screens that read "Diaries as Wartime Documentation." Two rows of students sit in front of him at long desks with laptops open.
January 12, 2024
The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies hosts a second summer session in Budapest, Hungary, on the topic of “Holocaust Testimonies and Their Afterlives.” The session will run July 10–19.
Photo of large group facing camera, wearing early 20th century clothing. Many wear red and white flowered leis. Man at center is in pink nehru jacket with red turban with feather and gold medallion on long white necklace.
January 10, 2024
The Yale Film Archive’s Spring Series presents a new film to see nearly every week of spring semester.
Woman in black sweater stands with back to camera, looking at a glass case displaying three open books. The book at far right shows image of William Shakespeare
December 5, 2023
The exhibition “The First Folio: Shakespeare for All Time?”—celebrating the 400th anniversary of the publication of the first anthology of works by William Shakespeare—is on view through Feb. 11 in the Hanke Gallery in Sterling Memorial Library.
Man with open-neck grey shirt and glasses holds up yellow book that reads "Quantum Physics for Babies"
November 20, 2023
The 2023–2024 Model Research Collection—”From DOS to Qiskit: Turning Entanglement into Quantum Computation”—is on display in Bass Library and the Bass-Sterling hallway through May 6.
Large room with a center glass cube through which students are seen working on computers. Two men in foreground sit talking in front of large silver computer screen.
November 15, 2023
In Sterling Memorial Library, the DHLab is offering new users increased access, training, and hands-on project assistance.