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I was raised by basset hounds in the New Jersey wilderness. I play and teach the French horn, and collect horns; working in the library supports my horn habit. I am the author of many articles about the history and pedagogy of the horn and brass instruments.
BM, American Conservatory of Music
MM, Yale School of Music
- "Bibliography of Writings About Brass Instruments, 2012-2013." Historic Brass Society Journal 25: (2013): (forthcoming).
- ""Bibliography of Writings About Historic Brass Instruments, 2011-2012." Historic Brass Society Journal 24: (2012): 175-182.
- "“Bibliography of Writings about Historic Brass Instruments, 2010-2011.”." Historic Brass Society Journal v.23: (2011): 145-150.
- "“Bibliography of Writings about Historic Brass Instruments, 2009-2010.” ." Historic Brass Society Journal v.22: (2010): 103-109.
- "“Why did Brahms write for natural horn in the Trio, op. 40?”." American Brahms Society Newsletter v.19, no. 1:Spriing 2001 (2001): 1-4.
- Review of Ich ruhm dich Heidelberg: Musik der Renaissance am Kurpfalzischen Hof; Fricassees lyonnaises (compact disc reviews). Historic Brass Society Newsletter 10:summer 1997 (1997): 27.
- "Early Hunting Horn Calls and Their Transmissions: Some New Discoveries." Historic Brass Society Journal v.7: (1995): 123-141.
- "“More hunting calls for hunting horn” ." Yale Library Gazette October 1994: (1994): 37-41.