Heather Gendron
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Art & Art History
Publications (selected):
Gendron, Heather, Eumie Imm Stroukoff, Joan E. Beaudoin, Neal Ambrose-Smith. Artists’ Studio Archives: Managing Personal Collections & Creative Legacies http://artiststudioarchives.org/resources-2/ January 2016.
Kirchner, Joy, Jose Diaz, Geneva Henry, Susan Fliss, John Culshaw, Heather Gendron, Jon E. Cawthorne. “The Center of Excellence Model for Information Services,” CLIR Publication No.163, February 2015: 401. http://www.clir.org/pubs/reports
Gendron, Heather and Alisa Rod. “A Mixed-Methods Approach to Questionnaire Development: Understanding Students’ Interpretations of Library Survey Questions,” Proceedings of the 2014 Library Assessment Conference Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment, August 4–6, 2014 Seattle, WA: 63-73. http://libraryassessment.org/bm~doc/proceedings-lac-2014.pdf
Gendron, Heather and Eva Sclippa. “Where Visual and Information Literacies Meet: Redesigning Research Skills Teaching and Assessment for Large Art History Survey Courses,” Art Documentation: Bulletin of the Art Libraries Society of North America, Fall 2014.