Liaison to:
Cell Biology, Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Comparative Medicine, Genetics, Immunobiology, Microbial Pathogenesis, Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (MB&B), Pathology, Pharmacology, Combined Program in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS), Neurobiology, and Neuroscience
- Provides end-user bioinformatics support to basic biomedical science researches.
- Develops and conducts training programs and workshops on bioinformatics resources and databases.
- Provides bioinformatics consulting services.
- Primary liaison between the Library and research departments, laboratories, and individual scientists.
- Supports biomedical research data management.
Research Guides
- Bioinformatics Support
- Basic Science Resources and Collections
- Bioinformatics Tools for Research and Discovery at Yale University
- IACUC: Searching for Alternatives to Painful Procedures Used on Research Animals
Selected Publications:
- Guo X, Qiu W, Garcia-Milian R, Lin X, Zhang Y, Cao Y, Tan Y, Wang Z, Shi J, Wang J, Liu D, Song L, Xu Y, Wang X, Liu Na, Sun T, Zheng J, Luo J, Zhang H, Xu J, Kang L, Ma C, Wang K, Luo X. Genome-wide significant, replicated and functional risk variants for Alzheimer’s disease Journal of Neural Transmission p1-17, 2017
- Zuo L, Garcia-Milian R, Guo X, Zhong C, Tan Y, Wang Z, Wang J, Chiang-Shan Li, Luo X. Replicable risk nicotinic cholinergic receptor genes for nicotine dependence. Genes 7(11), 95 doi:10.3390/genes7110095, 2016
- Norton HF, Tennant MR, Botero CE, Garcia-Milian, R. Assessment of and Response to Data Needs of Clinical and Translational Science Researchers and Beyond. Journal of eScience Librarianship 5(1) doi:10.7191/jeslib.2016.1090, 2016
- Garcia-Milian, R. Expert Searching: Biomart: A “One-Stop Shop” Data-Mining Tool, Medical Library Association News 56(2):10-11, February 2016
- Lyon, JA, Norton, HF, Garcia-Milian, R, Tennant, MR. The use of a clinical electronic data capture system to record and analyze librarian-mediated literature searches. Medical Reference Service Quarterly 33 (3): 241-252, 2014
- Garcia-Milian R,and Norton HF. Moving beyond the bookshelves: Provision of online reference through ResearchGate. Journal of Medical Library Association 101 (4): 242, 2013
- Tennant MR, Auten B, Botero CE, Butson LC, Edwards ME, Garcia-Milian R, Lyon JA, Norton HF. The changing face of reference: biomedical and health information services in the classroom, clinic and beyond. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 31 (3): 280-301, 2012
- Garcia-Milian R, Norton, HF, Tennant, MR. The presence of academic health science libraries on Facebook: the relationship between content and library popularity. Medical Reference Services Quarterly 31 (2): 171 – 187, 2012
- Garcia-Milian R., Norton, HF, Auten B, Davis, B, Ferree, N, Holmes KL, Johnson M, Russell Gonzalez S, Schaefer N, Tennant MR, Conlon M, VIVO Collaboration. Role of librarians in the development of computer-mediated social networks: challenges and lessons learned from VIVO implementation and outreach. SLA 2011. DBIO Contributed paper session. Philadelphia, 2011
- Garcia-Milian R, Santos A, Perea SE, Gonzalez-Cabanas R, Arana MJ. Molecular analysis of resistance to interferon in patients with laryngeal papillomatosis. Cytokines Cellular & Molecular Therapy 5:79- 85, 1999
- Garcia-Milian R, Hernandez H, Panade L, Rodriguez C, Gonzalez N, Perea SE, Arana MJ. Detection and typing of human papillomavirus DNA in benign and malignant tumors of laryngeal epithelium. Acta Otolaryngologica (Stockh) 118: 754-758, 1998
- Perea, Silvio E.; Lopez-Ocejo, Omar; Bracho, Gustavo, Garcia-Milian R, Arana, Manuel De J. Molecular bases for human papillomavirus resistance to interferon action. Biotecnologia Aplicada 15: 105-106, 1998.
- Gonzalez-Hoyuela M, Soto J, Garcia-Milian R, Ubieta R, Francis L, Conde-Vazquez R. Genetic expression of the neural growth factor in the central nervous system. Evaluation of an experimental model of Alzheimer’s dementia. Revista Neurologica 26: 204-207, 1998
- Perea SE, Lopez-Ocejo O, Garcia-Milian R, Arana MJ, Lopez-Saura P, Rios MA. Use of Alpha Interferon as Modulator. Biotecnologia Aplicada 14: 197-200, 1997
- Garcia-Milian R, Rios MA, Amigo M, Diaz D, Guilar O, Silveira M, Arana MJ, Perea SE. Modulation of Human Papillomavirus-16 mRNA in cervical invasive carcinoma patients by alpha interferon therapy. Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research 16: 709- 713, 1996
- Perea SE, Lopez-Ocejo O, Garcia-Milian R, Arana MJ, Alpha interferon elicits down-regulation of HPV-18 mRNA on HeLa cells by selective suppression of endogenous viral transcription. Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research15: 495-501, 1995
Schaefer N, Stoyan-Rosenzweig N, and Garcia-Milian R. (2014) Health and safety during Canal construction In 100 Years of The Panama Canal. Celebrating the Centennial 1914- 2014 2014 (p. 134-141) Faircount Media Group, Tampa, FL.
- Biomedical Informatics Fellow, National Library of Medicine, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA - 2012
- Grant from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, HHS-N-276-2011-00004-C (Co- PI) Title: Developing an Infrastructure for Information Support for Clinical and Translational Researchers. - 2011
- Grant from The Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) No. 96-091 RG/BIO/LA (PI) Title: Modulation of Human Papillomavirus Expression by Human Interleukin-2 in Cervical Carcinoma Cells - 1997
- The Yamagiwa Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grant, awarded by International Union Against Cancer (PI) - 1996