Mondays at Beinecke: Revisiting the Past – Imagining the Future with Kevin Repp, Curator of Modern European Books and Manuscripts
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A talk in conjunction with the Beinecke Library building-wide exhibition, “Revisiting the Past—Imagining the Future,” on view through July 9.
Kevin Repp, Curator of Modern European Books and Manuscripts, will discuss items he selected for the exhibition.
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This exhibition features books, manuscripts, and visual materials from many different time periods and locations. Some of the materials have been at Yale for decades, others have only recently been added to the collections. More information:
Materials Repp selected for the show include:
* Selections from the Maurice Sand Papers, including stage scenery and a poster for his puppet theater plus a map of the family estate at Nohant. [c. 1834–1862].
* “Dossier sur Jean Clésinger-Sand (Nini).” Solange Clésinger Sand Papers. [undated].
* Selections from the Marc Allégret Papers, including field notebooks from his “voyage to Congo” with André Gide, depiction of African dance in a draft of Gide’s Retour du Tschad, and an exchange over editorial choices in the portrayal of indigenous African cultures.
* Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung (A.I.Z.) [The workers’ illustrated newspaper] 9, no. 6 (1930).
* Der Arbeiter-Fotograf [The worker photographer] 6, nos. 7 and 9 (1932).
* Selections from Simone de Beauvoir’s letters to Claude Lanzmann. [1952–1966].
* Selections from the Michèle Bernstein papers. [1958–1964].
* Edouard Glissant, manuscript of La Lézarde (1957–1958).
Mondays at Beinecke online talks focus on materials from the collections and include an opening presentation at 4pm followed by conversation and question and answer beginning about 4:30pm until 5pm.