Interlibrary Loan
More Details
- Yale faculty, students, and staff can use ILL.
- Approximate turnaround times by format:
- Articles and book chapters: 2-4 days
- Books, scores, and audio-visual materials: 9-12 days
- Physical ILL items can be picked up in person or mailed to your home (some restrictions apply)
How long can I keep an ILL item?
Due dates for physical ILL items will vary from item to item. The due dates are set by the library that lends us the book. We can request a renewal, but it is not guaranteed. All physical materials are subject to recall by the lending library.
What types of materials are other libraries willing to lend?
Libraries are generally willing to lend circulating materials such as books, audio-visual materials, music scores, and microforms. They will also supply scans of journal articles and book chapters.
Can I borrow an item that is listed in the Yale Library Catalog?
If an item is owned by Yale Library, but currently unavailable to the requesting user it may be requested through interlibrary loan.
Can I borrow a textbook through ILL?
Textbooks are often in high demand and it may be difficult for Yale Library to find a library willing to lend a textbook. Since ILL loan periods are often short, it would be unlikely a textbook could be borrowed through ILL for an entire semester.
Can I borrow a new book through ILL?
Newly published materials can be difficult to borrow through interlibrary loan due to availability and lending library policies on new materials. Users can request materials to be purchased for the Yale Library collection via the Purchase Request Form.
Can I renew an ILL item?
Renewals can be requested, but are contingent on the lending library’s response, discretion, and policy.
Can I request an ILL item if I have overdue items, fines, or billed items?
Users with fines, billed items, or overdue items recorded on their circulation account will not be allowed to check out interlibrary loan items.
Where do I return my ILL items?
Where do find the status of my pending requests?
Log in to your ILL account to view your pending requests.
Where can I see my checked out items?
Log in to your library account to see your checked out ILL items and their due dates.
Contact Information
Have questions about your ILL request? Contact your local ILL unit.
- Yale Library Resource Sharing:
- Cushing/Whitney Medical Library: Interlibrary Loan /
- Lillian Goldman Law Library: Interlibrary Loan /