Yale Library Book Talks
The Yale Library Book Talk series features authors with connections to the Yale and New Haven communities and those who have conducted research in Yale Library collections. Selected books range in topics and genres, and authors share their research and writing processes. Subscribe to Yale Library Book Talk mailing list to learn about future events.
The event may be structured as a conversation with an interlocutor or as a presentation and Q&A session. Events typically run 45 to 60 minutes, followed by a library-hosted reception.
All events are free and open to the public and will be held on Wednesday afternoons in the lecture hall at Sterling Memorial Library. After the presentation, authors will be available to sign copies of books that participants have purchased in advance. Books will not be sold at the event.
Coming Up
Yale Library Book Talk: The First and Last King of Haiti
Yale Library Book Talk: Air-Borne by Carl Zimmer
Past Events
Suggest a Book Talk
We welcome suggestions for books and authors to feature in future programs.