Library News

Library Prizes

Showing 8 - 14 of 15
Banner showing photographs of writers in a horizontal grid of eight portraits. SIx are women and two are men.
April 5, 2023
Now in its tenth year, the prestigious prize awards eight more poets, playwrights, fiction and nonfiction writers in recognition of their achievements.
Woman with long black hair and bangs looks at camera smiling, She wears long oval turquoise earrings and a denim shirt open at the collar with front snap pockets
February 14, 2023
Joy Harjo is the winner of Yale’s 2023 Bollingen Prize for American Poetry, established in 1949 and awarded biennally by Yale University Library.
Student with short black curly hair wearing brown wire-rimmed glasses and a yellow, green, and white pattern shirt resembling an African textile sits smiling in front of doors with wooden panes of glass.
June 1, 2022
Yale College seniors Joelle Besch and Debbie Dada were awarded the 2022 Applebaum Award. The award recognizes these students’ excellent use of government materials from the collection of Yale Library, a designated federal depository library.
Two male students pose shoulder to shoulder in front of archways. Tall student at left wears a dark-blue jacket, dark-blue tie, and light blue and white striped shirt with button-down collar. He has short, reddish brown wavy hair. The student to his left is shorter, with short dark hair and a close-cropped beard and mustache. He wears a dark blue tie and a blue-and-white checkered shirt. There is a wall carving of a figure between the windows to his left.
May 26, 2022
The 2022 winners of the Library Map Prize illustrated their essays with maps they made themselves, analyzing and integrating them throughout the narrative in support of each essay’s thesis.
Tall male student stands under the archways of the Exhibition Corridor in Sterling Library. He has long black hair and holds the wrist of his right hand with his left. He is wearing black pants, and a black sweatshirt printed with a grey elephant and green vegetation. The collar of his brown shirt is visible at the neckline.
May 18, 2022
Yale College seniors Sam Battles, Sarah Gannett, and Madeleine Stern received the prize for outstanding senior essays based on research in Yale Library special collections.
Three female Yale students smiling for a photo
May 24, 2021
In spite of ongoing pandemic-related challenges during the last year, the class of 2021 accomplished a wide range of original research projects using Yale University Library’s collections and resources. Six students wrote senior essays that were recognized with one of three annual library prizes.
March 22, 2021
On March 22 Yale announced the eight recipients of the 2021 Windham-Campbell Prizes. The writers, whose work explores matters both personal and political, were honored for their literary achievement or promise. Each will receive $165,000 to support their work.