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Four book covers: from left to right, a white cover with black type reading The Other Side of Prospect; a beige cover with red type reading The War on Music; a grey cover with white type reading Hell Bent; a black cover with yellow type reading The Madman in the White House with a silhouetted photo of Woodrow Wilson's face and black hat
January 19, 2023
A new season of Yale Library Book Talks presents the latest fiction and nonfiction by four acclaimed authors: Leigh Bardugo, Nicholas Dawidoff, John Mauceri, and Patrick Weil.
December 19, 2022
As Associate University Librarian for Research and Learning, Di Monte will bring together and build research services and expertise across all disciplines.
Painted ticket that shows five people in Victorian dress riding down a roller coaster from the mountains. Pine trees and birds are visible below them. To left is the name of the ride "Le Caucase: Porte des Ternes Porte Maillot". in brown and blue type across mountain range. On the right in red ink is the ticket stub for the ride with a drawings of a woman holding the printed pass.
December 14, 2022
This exhibition showcases the Slavic collections of Yale Library—objects, photographs, posters, and books acquired over the course of 126 years.
Detail of sixteenth-century map on parchment, showing drawings of reindeer, camel, unicorn at left, a sixteen-point blue, black, and red compass rose at lower edge and drawing of a coastline with handwritten notations, clusters of buildings with red and black flags throughout and an inset circle showing Europe, Africa, the Atlantic and the coast of the New World
December 12, 2022
Colorful map from Beinecke Library exhibit The World in Maps is featured in Yale Library’s holiday message.
December 8, 2022
What are dogs doing in eighteenth-century art? A historian explains, using works from the Lewis Walpole Library. View the lecture.
close-up detail of a metal library card holding four different colored books fanned out to show the BorrowDirect tracking labels on them. A sign on the cart reads "Resource Sharing"
December 8, 2022
The popular BorrowDirect service—which provides quick turnaround borrowing from 12 partner libraries—will remain the same.
Table layout of 10 white cards that show swatches of color, ranging from blues, yellows, purple. In front of the standing cards are open plastic cylinders containing ground pigments in a range of colors, used to make paints. At lower left is a white paper with some brush strokes of sample colors--four green, four purple, and one yellow
November 14, 2022
An inspiring art history class—taught with objects from special collections—leads to a colorful exhibition curated by three classmates.