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Interior view of Beinecke library of many stories of books on shelves behind glass across from marbled wall with projection that reads "Beinecke Celebrates 60"
November 29, 2023
In celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, please check out the new visual story featuring staff and curators sharing their favorite things from special collections!
A stack of old photos and a handwritten page on a tabletop. The 1920s sepia-tone photo on top shows a seated man with a suit, bow tie and striped socks.
November 28, 2023
In workshops and online, Jennifer Coggins, community engagement archivist at the Beinecke Library, guides aspiring historians through the steps of creating a personal archive.
Man with open-neck grey shirt and glasses holds up yellow book that reads "Quantum Physics for Babies"
November 20, 2023
The 2023–2024 Model Research Collection—”From DOS to Qiskit: Turning Entanglement into Quantum Computation”—is on display in Bass Library and the Bass-Sterling hallway through May 6.
Large room with a center glass cube through which students are seen working on computers. Two men in foreground sit talking in front of large silver computer screen.
November 15, 2023
In Sterling Memorial Library, the DHLab is offering new users increased access, training, and hands-on project assistance.
Two hands poised over the keyboard of a laptop, with reflections of colored lights and white light streaks across blurred image
November 9, 2023
The library, Poorvu Center, and Tsai CITY will participate in a two-year project to explore Yale’s best strategies for working with AI.
cake with white icing with "Gilmore Music Library 25 years at Sterling" written in blue icing
November 8, 2023
Staff, friends, and Handsome Dan gathered to celebrate the Irving S. Gilmore Music Library’s 25th year in Sterling.
18th century color print showing two peasant women in marketplace arguing, men on either side of them frowning, one covering ears, a small boy and dog sit with wicker baskets nearby.
November 1, 2023
On Nov. 16, print collectors and curators will meet in Sterling Memorial Library to discuss their collections of 18th- and early 19th-century British caricature and satiric prints.