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black and white photo shows shirtless woman with short hair and the words "Title IX" written on her back. She is facing away from camera, holding papers in her hand. To her right and looking off and to the right is a woman wearing a suit and open necked blouse. Blurred backs of heads of unidentified individuals are in the foreground and on the wall hangs a poster for Yale Women's Soccer.
November 9, 2022
By 1979, Yale had 13 women’s varsity teams—and they struggled for their share of resources and support.
Colorized photograph of two men looking at camera. One on left wears blue satin suit with white shirt and blue satin tie sitting on a simple white couch with one arm draped across the back support and the other hand at his chin. He has dark short curly hair and a goatee. The other has short cropped hair, plastic rimmed glasses and green shirt with brown shoulder patches. He rests his chin on both hands. There's a silver linked bracelet on his right wrist.
November 8, 2022
Two gospel artists—Donald Lawrence and Vincent Bohanan—will be filmed in interviews this month.
Three students pose before leaded glass gothic-style windows: man at far left has reddish hair and wears a blue hooded sweatshirt that reads in white lettering on front "Yale Education Studies"; the man at center has short dark hair and wears a round-neck shirt, black belt and black jeans and has his thumbs hooked into his front pockets; the short woman at right has curly black hair to her shoulders, wire-rimmed glasses, wearing a white turtle-neck and blue jeans
November 3, 2022
Students are teaching their peers what they wished they had known sooner about navigating the library’s vast resources.
A short blonde woman in pink, blue, yellow striped dress stands next to tall man with glasses wearing a striped green and yellow shirt and dark pants; they stand in front of the wooden circulation desk in Sterling. In the background behind Plexiglas shield woman with hair tied back in bun, glasses, and COVID mask types at a computer, standing
October 20, 2022
Library reopens and expands access and borrowing privileges to allow members of the community, New Haven residents, and other visitors to explore Yale Library’s vast resources.
October 20, 2022
After a long pandemic hiatus, Yale Library’s borrowing benefits for alumni are back—with new options and benefits that one graduate calls “a gamechanger.”
Blue ground with white line drawing at left of front of Sterling Memorial Library. Also shown in white lettering at right are the words "Book Talk" with a line below them. Below the line are the words in light blue lettering "Yale University Library"
October 17, 2022
Meghan O’Rourke and R. F. Kuang present their new books in the next two sessions of the library’s Book Talk series
Desert scene showing horizon with wooden sign reading "Rio Grande" and a blue 1950s Chevrolet with open door and a man in short sleeve shirt with back to camera looking out at scene from back of the car.
October 14, 2022
“Home movies are unique by definition,” says Managing Archivist Brian Meacham—and he would like to have more in the Yale Film Archive’s collection.