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Two male students pose shoulder to shoulder in front of archways. Tall student at left wears a dark-blue jacket, dark-blue tie, and light blue and white striped shirt with button-down collar. He has short, reddish brown wavy hair. The student to his left is shorter, with short dark hair and a close-cropped beard and mustache. He wears a dark blue tie and a blue-and-white checkered shirt. There is a wall carving of a figure between the windows to his left.
May 26, 2022
The 2022 winners of the Library Map Prize illustrated their essays with maps they made themselves, analyzing and integrating them throughout the narrative in support of each essay’s thesis.
Eight graduates in caps and gowns--from Branford, Davenport, and Morse Colleges--are posing and laughing, several wearing kente cloth stoles.
May 23, 2022
Graduates, family, and friends gathered at Sterling Memorial Library to commemorate the special day with pictures inside and outside the library. Photos: Deborah Cannarella
Tall male student stands under the archways of the Exhibition Corridor in Sterling Library. He has long black hair and holds the wrist of his right hand with his left. He is wearing black pants, and a black sweatshirt printed with a grey elephant and green vegetation. The collar of his brown shirt is visible at the neckline.
May 18, 2022
Yale College seniors Sam Battles, Sarah Gannett, and Madeleine Stern received the prize for outstanding senior essays based on research in Yale Library special collections.
High-ceilinged cathedral-like space with limestone walls and columns and stained glass windows  above archways through which seating and study areas can be seen.
May 6, 2022
How will James Gamble Rogers’s collegiate gothic masterpiece support teaching, learning, research in its second century? Planning is under way for “Sterling 2031,” starting with a survey of library users.
logos of Portland Press Biochemical Society and Cambridge University Press
May 5, 2022
Yale University Library has signed open access agreements with two prominent publishers of academic journals to eliminate the article processing charges (APCs) formerly paid by individual Yale authors in favor of an annual fee paid by the library.
Six women and one man posing in front of carved wood gallery entrance.
May 2, 2022
Lynn Hanke was honored at a University Library Council (ULC) ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the Hanke Exhibition Gallery in Sterling Memorial Library, a project she and her husband, Robert Hanke ’60, made possible.
Smiling man and woman wearing name tags identifying them as Barbara Franke and Richard Franke with flowers and library reading room in the background background
April 25, 2022
The Yale community mourns the death of Rich Franke ’53, a beloved alumnus and generous supporter of Yale University Library.